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1985-1991 美国耶鲁大学,应用物理学,博士

1979-1984 中国科学技术大学,近代物理学,学士



2013-至今    北京大学物理学院讲席教授,北大医学物理和工程北京市重点实验室主任、北大磁共振成像研究中心主任、北大麦戈文脑科学研究所研究员

2006-2013   美国芝加哥大学医学物理和神经科学教授、芝加哥大学脑成像研究中心主任

1993-2005   美国德克萨斯大学助理至副教授、磁共振成像实验室主任

1991-1993   美国麻省理工学院,博士后



研究成果:长期从事脑成像和脑科学领域的研究工作,在包括Science,Nature,Nature Neuroscience和PNAS等在内的国际期刊上发表200余篇学术论文。






1.  J.H. Gao, L. Parsons, J. Bower, J. Xiong, J. Li, P. Fox, Cerebellum implicated in sensory acquisition and discrimination rather than motor control, Science 272, 545-547 (1996).

2.  Y. Liu, J.H. Gao, M. Liotti, Y. Pu, P.T. Fox, Temporal dissociation of parallel processing in the human subcortical outputs, Nature 400, 364-366 (1999).

3.  Y Liu, J.H. Gao, H. Liu, P.T. Fox, The temporal response of the brain after eating revealed by functional MRI, Nature 405, 1058-1062 (2000).

4.  A Lin, P. Fox, J Hardies, T. Deong, J.H. Gao, Non-linear coupling between cerebral blood flow, oxygen consumption and ATP production in human visual cortex, Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences 107, 8446-8451 (2010).

5.  L Tan, L Chen, V Yip, A Chan, J Yang, J.H. Gao, W Siok, Activity levels in the left hemisphere caudate-fusiform circuit predict how well a second language will be learned, Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences 108, 2540-2544 (2011).

6.  J Ge, G Peng, B Lyu, Y Wang, Y Zhuo, Z Niu, L Tan, A Leff, J.H. Gao, Cross-language differences in the brain network subserving intelligible speech, Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences 112, 2972-2977 (2015).

7.  L Zheng, P Liao, L Shen, J Sheng, P Teng, G Luan, J.H. Gao, EMS-Net: A deep learning method for autodetecting epileptic magnetoencephalography spikes, IEEE Trans Med Imaging 39(6):1833-1844 (2020).

8.  X Wang, W Men, J.H. Gao, A Caramazza, Y Bi, Two forms of knowledge representations in the human brain, Neuron pii:  S0896-6273(20)30279-8 (2020).

9.  L Qin, B Lyu, S Shu, Y Yin, X Wang, J Ge, WT Siok, J.H. Gao, A Heteromodal Word-Meaning Binding Site in the Visual Word Form Area under Top-Down Frontoparietal Control, Journal of Neuroscience 41(17):3854-3869 (2021).

10. J Ge, G Yang, M Han, S Zhou, W Men, L Qin, B Lyu, H Li, H Wang, H Rao, Z Cui, H Liu, X.N. Zuo, J.H. Gao, Increasing diversity in connectomics with the Chinese Human Connectome Project, Nature Neuroscience 26, 163–172 (2023).