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1989-1995 德克萨斯大学休斯敦医学院,博士

1978-1982 上海大学(原上海科技大学),学士


1995/9-2000/8      加州大学旧金山分校,Gladstone病毒和免疫学研究所, 博士后

2000/9-2004/8      纽约州立大学布法罗分校医学院,微生物和免疫学系,助理教授

2004/9-2016/12    德克萨斯大学安德森癌症中心,分子和细胞肿瘤学系,副教授,教授,冠名讲席教授

2010/9-2014/8      德克萨斯大学安德森癌症中心,炎症与癌症研究中心,副主任

2012/9-2014/8      德克萨斯大学生物医学研究生院,肿瘤生物学项目主任

2014/10-至今         清华大学医学院,教授,基础医学系主任


林欣教授的研究兴趣涵盖免疫学的几个方面,前期主要研究转录因子NF-B活化过程的相关信号通路,探讨其在T淋巴细胞活化、炎症反应、以及肿瘤发生中的作用及其机理,系统地研究了T 淋巴细胞受体激活途径及调节T淋巴细胞激活的信号通路。近年来关注于固有免疫应答的相关信号通路研究,以及肿瘤免疫治疗的应用研究,共发表学术论文100多篇。


1.  过继性免疫治疗研究;

2.  固有免疫应答的分子机制;

3.  T淋巴细胞激活的调控机制。




美国Cancer Research Institute研究者奖



1.  Xu X, Xu J, Zheng G, Lu H, Rui W, Guan J, Cheng L, Yang D, Wang M, Duan J, Lv Q, Li J, Zhao X, Chen C, Shi P, Jia X*, Lin X*. (2018). CARD9S12N mutation converts alveolar macrophages into IL-5-producing cells and facilitates type 2 immune responses. Nature Immunology, 2018 Jun;19(6):547-560. 

2.  Wang M, Zhang S, Zheng G, Huang J, Songyang Z, Zhao X, Lin X. (2018). Gain-of-Function Mutation of Card14 Leads to Spontaneous Psoriasis-like Skin Inflammation through Enhanced Keratinocyte Response to IL-17A. Immunity. 2018 Jul 17;49(1):66-79

3.  Wang T, Fan C, Yao A, Xu X, Zheng G, You Y, Jiang C, Zhao X, Hung MC, Lin X. (2018). The adaptor protein CARD9 protects against colitis-associated colon cancer by restricting mycobiota-mediated expansion of myeloid-derived suppressor cells. Immunity, 2018 Sep 18;49(3):504-514

4.  Yang D, Zhao X, Lin X (2019) Bcl10 is required for the development and suppressive function of Foxp3+ regulatory T cells. Cell Mol Immunol. 2019.

5.  Tang Y, Tu H, Zhang J, Zhao X, Lin X (2019). K63-linked ubiquitination regulates RIPK1 kinase activity to prevent cell death during embryogenesis and inflammation. Nat Commun. 2019 Sep 13;10(1):4157. 

6.  Liu G, Rui W, Zheng H, Huang D, Yu F, Zhang Y, Dong J, Zhao X, and Lin X (2020) CXCR2-modified CAR-T cells have enhanced trafficking ability that improves treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma. Euro J Immunol. 2020 Jan 24.

7.  Yue Liu*, Guangna Liu*, Jiashang Wang*, Zhe-yu Zheng , Lemei Jia, Wei Rui, Liqun Zhou, Xin Wu, Song Lin, Xueqiang Zhao, Xin Lin, Chimeric STAR Receptors Using TCR Machinery Mediate Robust Responses Against Solid Tumors, Science Translational Medicine, 13, eabb5191, 2021

8.  A novel adoptive synthetic TCR and antigen receptor (STAR) T-Cell therapy for B-Cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia,作者:Wang, Jiasheng; Zhang, Xian; Zhou, Zhixiao; Liu, Yue; Yu, Li; Jia, Lemei; Yang, Junfang; Li, Jingjing; Yu, Hanyang; Li, Wenzhong; Liu, Guangna; Rui, Wei; Zheng, Hongli; Zhao, Xueqiang; Lin, Xin; Lu, Peihua. American Journal of Hematology, 2022, 97(8), 992-1004.

9.  Tyrosine phosphorylation regulates RIPK 1 activity to limit cell death and inflammation. Hailin Tu, Weihang Xiong, Jie Zhang, Xueqiang Zhao, Xin Lin. Nature Communications. 13, 6603 (2022).