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1983-1988 中国医学科学院/中国预防医学科学院病毒学研究所博士研究生,医学博士

1978-1983 青岛医学院医疗系,医学学士



2007-至今   传染病预防控制国家重点实验室副主任     

2013-2014  美国斯克里普斯研究所(Scripps)合作研究科学家

2009.8-10   美国哈佛大学Distinguished Scientist in Residence

2002-2022  中国疾病预防控制中心艾滋病首席专家,性病艾滋病预防控制中心病毒免疫室主任

1998-2001  中国预防医学科学院卫生部艾滋病预防与控制中心副主任、国家艾滋病参比实验室主任

1995-1997  中国预防医学科学院病毒所研究员,艾滋病参比实验室主任

1993-1995  德国雷根斯堡大学医学微生物学研究所访问学者

1990-1995  中国预防医学科学院病毒学研究所副研究员、肿瘤病毒室暨艾滋病毒室副主任

1989.5-12   世界卫生组织总部全球艾滋病规划的生物医学研究部顾问

1988-1989  中国预防医学科学院病毒学研究所助理研究员,肿瘤病毒室和艾滋病毒室副主任


1. 艾滋病病原学、分子流行病学、致病机理、免疫学和疫苗研究,艾滋病领域国际著名科学家;

2. 推动建立我国艾滋病检测、分子流行病和耐药三大监测网络,查明我国HIV的起源和传播路线;提出并证明HIV流行簇对艾滋病流行和致病的影响,建立WHO亚太耐药监测实验室,支持亚太国家的HIV耐药监测;

3. 创立活病毒载体艾滋病疫苗技术路线并率先完成II期临床试验,开展新冠病毒广谱疫苗和中和抗体研究;

4. 在国内外杂志发表学术论文900多篇,多次获省部级科技奖、两次获国家科技进步奖,获国家杰出青年基金、美国哈佛大学杰出住校科学家基金、加拿大国际研究主席基金、NIH综合性国际艾滋病研究基金。






1. Wu D, Ye Y, Tang L, Wang AB, Zhang R, Qian ZH, Wang FZ, Zheng H, Huang C, Lv XY, Wang HF, Zhang YY, Pan JJ, Li YF, Lu MX, Wang CS, Ma YT, An ZJ, Rodewald LE, Yin ZD*, Wang XY*, Wu ZY*, Shao YM*. A case-case study on the effect of primary and booster immunization with China-produced COVID-19 vaccines on prevention of pneumonia and viral load among vaccinated persons infected by Delta and Omicron variants. Emerg Microbes Infect. 2022 Dec;11(1):1950-1958.

2. Qiang Liu, Yue Li, Zhenwu Luo, Guibo Yang, Yong Liu, Ying Liu, Maosheng Sun, Jiejie Dai, Qihan Li, Chuan Qin, Yiming Shao. HIV-1 vaccines based on replication-competent Tiantan vaccinia protected Chinese rhesus macaques from simian HIV infection. AIDS. 2015 Mar 27; 29(6):649-58.  

3. Ge Z, Feng Y, Li K, Lv B, Zaongo SD, Sun J, Liang Y, Liu D, Xing H, Wei M, Ma P, Shao Y*. CRF01_AE and CRF01_AE Cluster 4 Are Associated With Poor Immune Recovery in Chinese Patients Under Combination Antiretroviral Therapy. Clin Infect Dis. 2021 May 18;72(10):1799-1809

4. Liu L, Wang L, Zhang H, Ou W, Li D, Feng Y, Zhuang H*, Shao Y*. Changing Epidemiology of Hepatitis B Virus and Hepatitis C Virus Coinfection in a Human Immunodeficiency Virus-Positive Population in China: Results From the Third and Fourth Nationwide Molecular Epidemiologic Surveys. Clin Infect Dis. 2021 Aug 16;73(4):642-649.

5. Kumar S, Ju B, Shapero B, Lin X, Ren L, Zhang L, Li D, Zhou Z, Feng Y, Sou C, Mann CJ, Hao Y, Sarkar A, Hou J, Nunnally C, Hong K, Wang S, Ge X, Su B, Landais E, Sok D, Zwick MB, He L, Zhu J*, Wilson IA*, Shao Y*. A VH1-69 antibody lineage from an infected Chinese donor potently neutralizes HIV-1 by targeting the V3 glycan supersite. Sci Adv. 2020 Sep 16;6(38):eabb1328.

6. Song H, Ou W, Feng Y, Zhang J, Li F, Hu J, Peng H, Xing H, Ma L, Tan Q, Li D, Wang L, Wu B, Shao Y*. Disparate impact on CD4 T cell count by two distinct HIV-1 phylogenetic clusters from the same clade. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2019 Jan 2;116(1):239-244.

7. Fan J, Liang H, Ji X, Wang S, Xue J, Li D, Peng H, Qin C, Yee C*, Shao Y*. CTL-mediated immunotherapy can suppress SHIV rebound in ART-free macaques. Nat Commun. 2019 May 21;10(1):2257.

8. Li F, Ma L, Feng Y, Ruan Y, Hu J, Song H, Liu P, Ma J, Rui B, Kerpen K, Scheinfeld B, Srivastava T, Metzger D, Li H4, Bar KJ*, Shao Y*. HIV-1 and hepatitis C virus selection bottleneck in Chinese people who inject drugs. AIDS. 2018 Jan 28;32(3):309-320.

9. Kong L, Ju B, Chen Y, He L, Ren L, Liu J, Hong K, Su B, Wang Z, Ozorowski G, Ji X, Hua Y, Chen Y, Deller MC, Hao Y, Feng Y, Garces F, Wilson R, Dai K, O'Dell S, McKee K, Mascola JR, Ward AB, Wyatt RT, Li Y, Wilson IA, Zhu J*, Shao Y*. Key gp120 Glycans Pose Roadblocks to the Rapid Development of VRC01-Class Antibodies in an HIV-1-Infected Chinese Donor. Immunity. 2016 Apr 19;44(4):939-50

10. Jia Z, Mao Y, Zhang F, Ruan Y, Ma Y, Li J, Guo W, Liu E, Dou Z, Zhao Y, Wang L, Li Q, Xie P, Tang H, Han J, Jin X, Xu J, Xiong R, Zhao D, Li P, Wang X, Wang L, Qing Q, Ding Z, Chen RY, Liu Z*, Shao Y*. Antiretroviral therapy to prevent HIV transmission in serodiscordant couples in China (2003-11): a national observational cohort study. Lancet, 2013 Oct 5;382(9899):1195-1203.